Crypto-ML Closes Litecoin (LTC) Position for 19% Gain

Crypto-ML just closed a 32-day position on Litecoin for a 19% gain. The “buy” signal was issued at $115 on April 9. The “sell” was issued at $137 on May 11. The Crypto-ML Litecoin position has traditionally been the strongest performing, beating buy-and-hold by 24.36x (at time of writing).

Disclaimer: Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

The Crypto-ML Bitcoin Trade History page has been updated to reflect this latest closed trade.

Crypto-ML also recently closed Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) positions for 39% and 140% gains respectively.

The other two positions triggers occurred at trend bottoms and highs, capturing nearly the entire run up perfectly.

The Litecoin algorithm, however, closed 5 days after the peak, which resulted in lower than optimal performance. While a 19% gain in 32 days is still fantastic performance, it could have been better. This shows two important items:

1. No trading system is perfect.

Non-standard events and general random behavior can cause unexpected results.

2. Crypto-ML is always learning.

The beauty of machine learning is that it will assimilate this new information and optimize itself to perform better in the future. Each new situation is a chance for a learn and improve.

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